Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Comments On Bingo Bags Blog

"Go down that road all right, and when you reach the end grab your desire, run! And do not worry if, suddenly, you feel an excessive and inappropriate, the beggar told him that morning full moon unusual.
"But why?, Why should I?
- Do not you see the moon bore you pale-eyed, as the sun in your hair wicked ambush?
"Then hurry up, get going!
* Paul Delvaux, Soledad, 1955.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Real Estate Broker Introduction Letter To


The assault of the day
mist writhes
between branches elusive.

The assault of the day the fog twisted branches elusive.


* The first picture, winning, is Antonio Rodríguez . of Abel Murcia , besides reminding me, gave me the foot of its title: "The assault of the day."

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Gums Grow Back How Long

legs, whiskers and marriages

... ...
After overcoming fierce that diet, unthinkable in the past, thought he had found a way to fulfill your wishes once, so without further ado went to the closet of the bedroom and put the gum pink dress, the only it fit the body like a glove. Before putting on shoes and thin black patent stiletto is a couple of hours locked in the bathroom to shave legs, armpits, mustache. Shaving the legs entirely would cost so little, in fact, as a beard to his wife . The exchange of bodies was essential to both.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Causes Of Birth Defects In India



Bridget Riley

and When l minnow again hovering Atunara his head to the surface , could not help feeling again scaled: in your imagination, that terrible buzzing (*) had suddenly become the makings of massive evaporation of water. of no avail to convince him that it was a simple sound effect, much less than that, incredible as it may seem "out of those icy waters and swaying, he would not find more than a reality made paper mache. Without anyone to listen to reason, now insolent flies through the air, no less arrogant than other birds.


(**) The image comes of
The magic flight

Monday, February 7, 2011

Repair Vintage Camera



When you wake up suddenly in the middle of the night and feel so airy, looking out the window, which governs the darkness of the underworld with the same ridiculous mismanagement of the day, so lacking in clearness, as full veils, and I repeat it to yourself just a moment, determined to give no more turns than necessary, feel suddenly, as your foot threaded slipper felt for the damned, how the black hole of the past I am abysmal.

* The photo is entitled "Nuts death" and is Paz Juan Robledo .