Tuesday, April 8, 2008

How To Decorate Hall For 50th

An idea with a lot of sense to me ...

Currently hevy step stage is a stage of changes and updates in my life, this means that from today I am not the same, I have nothing to do with the type of last week not only by the disease that afflicts me, but because I know that each process either hard or soft, let us leave us a lesson, sometimes a more marked than others.

That's why I did not want to stop dimensions, however, allude to miss everything in human existence has a hidden meaning and true, which conosemos not just because of being so we would be all different, we would be best at everything they understand the meaning of our lives.

As said earlier, this is a very real idea in which I put all my conviction.

Q you are all super good

If you read this is that these Hosios, but your Hosius conosimioento has been rewarded with life.


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