Saturday, September 4, 2010

Good Event Titles For Birthday

They say that on one occasion the famous French writer Stendhal suffered dizziness and rapid heartbeat to visit the church of the Holy Cross in Florence. After this episode, this reaction to admire the beauty of art became known as Stendhal syndrome. But the name of psychosomatic disease has been also used to refer to a passionate reaction to the artistic enjoyment. And if there is an art, of the nine set (someone forgot to give the tenth to bullfighting) is music. The fourth art say.

After nearly ten years in a band (for two I cut the queue) your reactions to the music change. Analyze the score, the 'sip', the internalize. Sometimes just listening is not enough. Pavarotti said and to "learn music theory reading music is like making love by mail." Amatory arts aside, remember how many years a great friend and fellow sufferer, wrote in his blog about the importance of each person's smell and did a review of the colognes and perfumes that had accompanied him at every stage of your life. This time, it's me that I look back and I review those major pieces they have always been there.

was no more than six years old the first time I heard 'Swan Lake' but never forgot the movement of the scene. Then I remember the Aranjuez concert. If someone to listen, not stirred something inside you should look to a possible problem of 'horchata'. Then the procession marches, the background music of my life. I can not forget the paso doble; perfect aura of dreamy afternoons. Ments come to these gems on staves, I think that Nietzsche when he said that "life without music would be a mistake."

few days ago I made two requests to two different. One asked him if he ever married me, would have to take care of that at some point the Salve Rociera sound. In another asked that the day I die, I could not miss the funeral of Mozart's Requiem. From now until I get those moments (one certainly will) make many mistakes, but not not make the music to accompany my life.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Prevent Calf Cramps During Tennis

Fourth Regiment of Art Souvenirs (Dedicated to the monumental town of Ronda and its illustrious run Goyesca)

remember a city eager to embrace the prodigal story that beats in the streets. I remember how the sepia color flourished between the hands of those who one day decided to stop for not considering the end of the charm. I remember the memory of the Great watched from the vantage point of glory. I remember well-known names on the shoulders anonymous. Remember anonymous eager to surround the arm of popularity. I remember frauds, theaters, and sharp capturing smiles voters.

remember fans crowding the entrance. Burladero remember a stone on which the church was built of bullfighting. I remember carriages full of lace that once intertwined expressed on canvas prints unique. I remember dancing horses and topped with catita bandits.

remember a dynasty perpetuated among frogs. Pan y Toros remember, Chiclanera and wild cat. I remember staves converted into travel books. I remember signs controversial. I remember playing to the sky. I do not remember any task, perhaps because there were none. Still, I remember lying covered with a white solicitous. I remember undeserved trophies. I remember the sadness at seeing that it was the sixth that dragged.

not remember having seen anything like it. I remember the pleasure of being safe in the knowledge that what happens there does not fit imitations. I remember looking back. I remember the eternal desire to return.