Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Indian Driving In France

The new faces of the Fifth

"La Quinta and its various facets, are presented as a meeting place and meeting, exhibition and cultural exchange is part of the history of our country, Chilean republican model, syncretism that despite the passage of
time is shown as a space capable of matching to all citizens ... space of a few they grow. "

Arqto. Teodoro Fernandez

Quinta Normal Park is an open space located in the commune of Santiago, Santiago de Chile. It occupies an area of \u200b\u200b40 hectares, especially for sports and family activities. You can find playgrounds, tennis courts, football, skating area and even a lake for rowing. The avenues are used to jogging and running. In addition, in its surroundings you can find the Railway Museum National Museum of Natural History, Museum of Science and Technology and the Regional Library in Santiago.

park remodeling by architect Teodoro Fernandez, proposes a series of interactive water games, where people may interact in different ways to water, which provide an active public space both day and night, an urban oasis, a place that actually escapes the pollution as the city of Santiago. The architect that in his original design of the nineteenth century, the Quinta Normal had a path of internal streets became blurred over time. "We will draw these paths to the French, with cobblestones and benches. On the other hand, in the parkland walks recover the labyrinthine path between trees proposed Claudio Gay. "

Make Phosphate Buffer

material mixture and organic urban

Conditioning public space

Architect Born in Barranquilla, Colombia. Graduated from the Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá, Colombia, with a graduate degree in history and theory of architecture and industrial design at the University of Florence, Italy. A what Throughout his career would be interested in public buildings.
Mazzanti b handle their work in public competitions as a means to generate new places in the city periphery. Works that seek "an architecture of social inclusion," as Mazzanti, which convey a quality of life more just and sustainable, it is also said Price, "the ultimate goal of architecture is a social construct." Where the architecture is responsible from buildings that go beyond the physical construction, which is why Mazzanti raised among his architecture as a method of action and as practice material.

A method that is applicable to the landscape, where the building is a landscape element, example is the work, Library Park Spain, located in MedellĂ­n, Colombia.
Work that is located in the mountains, where the intention is to build a landscape that comes from the topography, operations talk about the work which belongs to the place.

"The contours and thematic works," another theme developed by the architect in his work, which consists of the skin that lines the work and the argument that will lead to new project. This order is part of the book "Social Garden El Porvenir, where the intention is to see the court as a pedagogical space, thus generating a membrane with themed courtyards, spaces that transcend the material. This is compounded by social inclusion means by which the community can be part of the work, relating both inside and outside of it.

"Contour and air conditioning, where site conditions assigned a value in the work landscape, taking as reference the work" Invemar Marine Research Center "project, which is assembled Theme from interior courtyards.

"unfinished modules and systems", developed from a system of addition, an informal growth and a strategy to provide regulated by chain relationships spaces, ending with a gesture that is granted in architecture from incomplete connections.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Requesting Letter For Telephone Line

The past in the context

National Award Architecture 2010

On Wednesday 29 September was released by the College of Architecture Chile, National Architecture Award 2010 .

is the leading architect Browne Enrique Covarrubias, recognized in Chile and abroad for a long career as an architect and teacher, where the jury said ; by clarity of his work, which explores preferably three proposals: the routes as organizers of spatial continuity, the incorporation of nature relating to climate and place, and contemporary reinterpretation of traditional solutions in a search for unconventional spaces.
Author emblematic works, among which we highlight the Consortium Building the Conch House the Villa Maria College Church, Sonda and Pioneer Office among many others.

To learn more about this architect and his work enters your website:


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Where To Buy Sparklers Toronto

Cause and effect of Architecture

Meeting between the place and the new place

Place Architecture is a blog created by three students of architecture at the Universidad San Sebastian, which issues published before and after a place. new or existing, relating to issues published after the Conference Cycle Architectural Culture course taught at the university.

The meeting between the place and the new place is a theme in the steps of each person, not just an architect and his encounter with a project and the place to create, but is also present at the meeting of a person and their new home, a new micro whereabouts of a publication, or stencil on a wall, etc. They are daily events that add up and make us think or debate between before and after, what will become of my home? or that empty lot where he used to play soccer with my friends?, it is likely that this place is part of a good memory and now a tower of departments and all that pollute our city.

is how today begins a new era that transcends the architectural workshop and makes us part of a recurring topic as is the encounter between the new and existing. To end your coment hope Aryans and suggestions.