Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Where To Buy Sparklers Toronto

Cause and effect of Architecture

Meeting between the place and the new place

Place Architecture is a blog created by three students of architecture at the Universidad San Sebastian, which issues published before and after a place. new or existing, relating to issues published after the Conference Cycle Architectural Culture course taught at the university.

The meeting between the place and the new place is a theme in the steps of each person, not just an architect and his encounter with a project and the place to create, but is also present at the meeting of a person and their new home, a new micro whereabouts of a publication, or stencil on a wall, etc. They are daily events that add up and make us think or debate between before and after, what will become of my home? or that empty lot where he used to play soccer with my friends?, it is likely that this place is part of a good memory and now a tower of departments and all that pollute our city.

is how today begins a new era that transcends the architectural workshop and makes us part of a recurring topic as is the encounter between the new and existing. To end your coment hope Aryans and suggestions.


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