Thursday, December 30, 2010

Does Benzonatate Get U High


not know who or what drives us each year to take stock when it ends. Perhaps it is necessary to know where they ended those waters that months ago we said that would not happen again. Waters that have often served to clean the wounds produced the shackles of intolerance united miserably to ignorance. But the wounds of war are sometimes stronger and has been a year with his efforts, has been invited to continue dreaming of the victory of the magic of bullfighting. A dream led by Momo gods of bullfighting. Valencia, Sevilla, Malaga and a long list of cities saw Julian Lopez "El Juli 'cross shoulder the gates of glory. Maturity, courage, serenity ... The child became flesh and dwelt among the win. Whoever was there is called Professor of Bullfighting. Enrique Ponce is quintessential displaying his art, its honor and its ability to make the impossible possible. 20 years of alternative contemplate it. 2,000 runs speaks for itself. But in matters of numbers, the shadow of El Fandi is elongated. Ears peers as the flags that have made soar to No. 1 ranking.

2010 has also been a year of Ventura for bullfighting. Hispano-Luso gathered the evidence of the revolution of bullfighting on horseback from the hands of a master whose Hermoso de Mendoza continues to show that never ends. Nor was endless human tide 'procession' Morante de la Puebla to your hotel in Barcelona which gladiator who challenged the rule of an ignorant minority Catalonia able to deprive the democratic spectacle of the most intransigent. But if something can go wrong, will get worse. Murphy dixit. It turns out that Ecuador is up to the car abolitionist bullfighting. "... In your hands I trust him because you are the Great Power ..." sang that sponsor while suffering a goring that to endanger his love. The boy of the couplet was recovered from the onslaught. We ask the new year that sanity prevails, we do not live a romance of courage (Bravo) policy and that no party gets the hang of a python.


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