Tuesday, December 7, 2010

French Brazilian Waxing

Before and after home Vitacura

Torre Titanium

The passage of time takes stock of a before and after, what was or may be , positive or negative changes, which fall in an area, the atmosphere of the place we live.

example is the home of Vitacura, place that recognizes a strategic point from where can appreciate the city and today is home to large buildings, including the Torre Titanium



As the building that owes its position to a shadow study based on the cone of shadow of itself.

This work consists of 52 floors and reaches a height of 194m, placing it among one of the highest in South America today. As to their spatial distribution this building has a central core which follows the program, which in turn is surrounded by pillars perimeter, placing two entrances at the ends for a smooth linear transit finally a height between floors governed by a modulation of 8.54m with reference to American soil modulation

this element is added as relevant to their seismic energy dissipating structure, which have the task of absorbing part of the movement into heat energy.

Finally The building has a certified "LEED," which gives more sustainable site, water use efficiency, energy and atmosphere, materials and resources, indoor air quality and innovation in design.

While it is a building that meets high building standards, which can not be hidden is the high price to be paid this place after arrival and those to come.


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