Thursday, March 31, 2011

Vivienne Westwood And Melissa Shoes Kiss

When he finally fell asleep and rhythmic breathing slowly go to the emotions of the dream, discover that you have a young daughter, a fierce dog and a hole in the middle of the face and mouth, dark pink wolf, while her mother pursued tirelessly with the story that the insurance covers all damages.

* "Frigiliana, 1" Pepo Paz, his photo blog Ways of looking .

Monday, March 28, 2011

Moccasins Boot Patterns

The Labours of Hercules

To dispel the mystery, you should know that truth tends to be inversely proportional to the square of the sum of these two algorithms that know too well, once divided by 1,000, he confessed , satisfied. Next to her is as simple as making the root of this result and ready.
"Waiting for the derby Collado Hermoso (Segovia)." The picture is of Pepo Paz, and comes from his photoblog Ways of looking .

Friday, March 25, 2011

Company Accommodation Request Letter To Hr

visit me

"My Death"

D and a time to this part death visits me every day I hear wearily up the stairs, standing on my landing, press the bell. I watched through the peephole, until I realize that the apartment is empty a month ago, despite the blinking light that seems malevolent after empty grid.
Carlos Almira, enemy fire, nowevolution, 2010, p. 59.
"Death comes to visit me"
Everyday for a month , I watch through the peephole press malevolent stamp, standing on my landing desert a while now . P that to the grid after and l apartment seems empty , l birth up the stairs, I hear wink tiring my death : until I realize I'm I .

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Long Can You Have Trichomoniasis Without Knowing

Death Story of a friendship I


"The real balance is in order to stay in space-time without your ears tremble even remotely ...", I had told the elephant to fly shortly before it decides , in approval, ringing in the ears.
* The picture is of Luis Matilla, and comes from his blog The invented reality . The art piece is called "Elephant WURS" and is by Daniel Firman.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Rustic French Country Wedding

mirror plane mechanical



The Marchesa starts up the stairs slowly, with tiny steps, such as feathers. Still missing six steps to reach the first landing, that it has a great full-length mirror and a point loss. On occasion, the rise of the entire stretch has been good quarter of an hour, but will eventually go through it as if such feat, or the same and Scalera, was for her a prize. It has already reached the landing, and suddenly comes to mercury, and smiles. For the first time, the Marquise turns around and begins to descend the stairs faster , brisk actually , exact with agility, and the vagueness of his 15 full years.
* The image is of Guillermo Mendez, and is taken from his photoblog fleeting.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Can U Get High From Taking Buscopan


The n

The wheel goes around the world. The wheel is a rainbow that has a treadmill that is in the sky, which is within another wheel which is the world going round. And while takes you to the antipodes, he turns around and shakes the brain neurons and harebrained ideas lead, because the brain is in a wheel that turns, like a blind mule around the universe, yoked to the chariot of the stars that spin like an endless treadmill draws water from the well of the world with his bucket that does not stop purring round and round. Juan Yanes

If the wheel rotates as it is perhaps to pursue dreams and protections taciturn heaven.
At dawn, when just They begin the birds to stand on soft fluttering with light, and wind storms pluck, alone ply their seats wide air in abundance, without impediment nts or heaven world of huge, and desperate, ravenous for filming and flying at the same time, machine of desire and beauties.

If the wheel rotates as it is perhaps
to pursue dreams and protections
moody lights.
At dawn, when just beginning the birds
with slight fluttering soft, and wind storms
ply their seats
alone the world wide air and sky
enormous, unimpeded
and desperate, greedy

to shoot and fly at a time,

machinic desire and anxiety.

* The initial micro photos by Juan Yanes, author of the blog sewing machine words and The dark edge of the light II (photos and microstories) .

Monday, March 14, 2011

Red Capillaries Breast Pregnancy




Every time I give the "Like", Facebook insists that we are three, as if to be two not enough. Similarly, whenever strife to ask: "What are you thinking?" A third of me, call it the dominant feeling an enormous desire to correct that poor expression. Fortunately, the second ends After to convince him about the urgent need to agree with this Tamagotchi mischievous and mocking. word oracle.

Version 1
Every time I give the "Like", Facebook insists that we are three, as if being two non- was enough. Similarly, whenever strife to ask: "What are you thinking?", The first third of me, call it the dominant feeling an enormous desire to correct that poor expression, although After the second manages to convince about the urgent need to agree with this mischievous and mocking Tamagotchi. Word of oracle.

* The photo is of Maria Isabel Gonzalez, author of the blog
Today I will write .

Friday, March 11, 2011

How To Spot A Fake Ohio Drivers

Nomad vs oracle. Sedentary

The other day, Colombian writer Daniel Avila, whose alias is Stephen Dublin, hanged himself in his blog titled micro the following succinct and neat, developed as a parody halfway between the classified ad and use the dictionary definition:

Hermit seeks new home.


server could not resist the temptation and dared to give deserved reply with the following:

sorry Wanderer, and some hermit, decides to purge its past mistakes.

Your redefinition (and examples):

Comment: Hermit seeking refuge as a nomad.
A hug purge

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sore Throat, Hurts To Swallow For Past 4 Days

An excess precarious

Conduce queriendo llegar cuanto antes al otro lado de la carretera y, sobre todo, de sí mismo. Conduce absorto, con verdadero arrobo, aunque luego se finja sereno, como si no le importara sacar el coche a pasear a esa hora de la mañana en que las nubes adoptan figuraciones asombrosas y los cielos embelesan de puro candor incendiario. Pero no se engaña lo más mínimo, ni menos aún consigue olvidar un instante esa cruda realidad que le escuece y recuece las arterias por dentro. Así that you floor to forget, forget everything and forget at once, convinced he does well, that makes it blend with the sky and crazy pedal stroke. Leads to the madness of the horizon as the only certainty. At 7 am driving, when all illusion of life is a precarious and tough too.
* The picture is of Jesus Miramón of The five stations .

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

21st Birthday Toronto Ideas

A film Delirio




"Una de miedo"

Se derrumba frente a la pantalla con la esperanza de dar con alguna peli o serie de televisión que la entretenga de veras. Scully le sale al encuentro, mientras insiste en decirle a Mulder que se está equivocando una vez más, pues esos resultados no prueban nada, y mucho menos la desaparición of his sister. Just change the channel at the time that Tony Soprano and his nephew Christopher discussed as loud about whether he has finally gotten rid of the damn stiff. Tired of so much disagreement as you see between fictional characters, press again the remote control to see if this time gives something different. Clint Eastwood shot point blank in Unforgiven, while the third channel Mister Proper is grappling with a devilish stain resistant. So he decides to turn off the TV and bed.
At three o'clock, however, awakens Mister Proper, though she would swear that this is the very same John Lock Lost who has broken into her room on the ground to prevent pilgrims The Sopranos turn it into a stiff, as he truly believes in his innocence. He has promised to lead her safely to the secret whereabouts of Clint Eastwood, who was then willing to fight with her in a formal duel. Mulder and Scully just fifteen minutes ago agreed to exercise our sponsorship. At five o'clock, ready and major preparation, has not yet appeared her sister. I fear the worst.


* For those who are not very adept at handling digital magazines, I copy the bus that has been published in this special issue of the journal Film RAVE . The text is illustrated, along with other works by this wonderful box Roberto Parada . All journal is stroke. Do not miss ...