Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Can U Get High From Taking Buscopan


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The wheel goes around the world. The wheel is a rainbow that has a treadmill that is in the sky, which is within another wheel which is the world going round. And while takes you to the antipodes, he turns around and shakes the brain neurons and harebrained ideas lead, because the brain is in a wheel that turns, like a blind mule around the universe, yoked to the chariot of the stars that spin like an endless treadmill draws water from the well of the world with his bucket that does not stop purring round and round. Juan Yanes

If the wheel rotates as it is perhaps to pursue dreams and protections taciturn heaven.
At dawn, when just They begin the birds to stand on soft fluttering with light, and wind storms pluck, alone ply their seats wide air in abundance, without impediment nts or heaven world of huge, and desperate, ravenous for filming and flying at the same time, machine of desire and beauties.

If the wheel rotates as it is perhaps
to pursue dreams and protections
moody lights.
At dawn, when just beginning the birds
with slight fluttering soft, and wind storms
ply their seats
alone the world wide air and sky
enormous, unimpeded
and desperate, greedy

to shoot and fly at a time,

machinic desire and anxiety.

* The initial micro photos by Juan Yanes, author of the blog sewing machine words and The dark edge of the light II (photos and microstories) .


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