Friday, May 23, 2008

Ativan Visual Disturbances


Anger in the rain.

Drops drilling my cold heart, my soul departing
as sharp steel,
Put away your presence to me, damn, I
curse for his audacity.

What do you mean by Alejo? Insignificant
Neither I nor my people love you,
not insist that they will not welcome.

And you, what you see? Rotting animal
never were a friend of the man, you always
took advantage of his kindness.

we all listen to my sorrow, my anger
That savor,
not want anyone to stop me,
sweep away everything that bothers me.

I'm soaked to the bone,
not need your help, your compassion
Leave me alone in this stormy time. Already

me calm down and breathe,
For now leave me alone, do not need anyone
Although it is not true.

damn This rain has me all wet, do not you think this is an irony about the size of a ship.

First we complain about the heat asficciante, and then the cold and Yuvi that inundates us all and not let us live in peace.

is incredible !!!!!


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Howmuch Does A Victorinox Watch Cost?

I miss

That desire I have of you, so anxious to accompany
I sleep in my solitude,
As your company is distant.

may not touch you, you may just connect us
connectivity, suffering will not touch That
This suffering makes me delirious.

As to compare with the stars,
If they ever are,
You are my girl a little distant,
But, we meet again.

If I were a bird I would fly to you,
wings But I was given,
But if your love.

not stay away so my life That my eyes
not good enough,
If our lives were separated, would die

'll be with me tomorrow, today also
you're not,
is so great that I live,
That only a few seconds like nothing else.

See you tomorrow my Dulcinea, I learned
the largest,
wait for tomorrow,
May the force be with me.


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Mature Grandmothers And Sons

--- --- For you to always

Elgueta Espinoza Ramon (RIP)


Today for me is a very sad day, maybe never again see you physically, perhaps the misfortune of your game affect us much, maybe our human condition does not let us be stronger, or perhaps anything else we can do that remember the way you always were, remember the fun times we live in, we said that's nonsense.

How to forget those times we were making mess together, when they suspended both those days when we did not know and we were the figures of course, always making jokes and giving juice per lot.

friend, and forget you were so important to everyone, were a prominent pewrsonaje in the course, always dial the difference, even till your last moments.

share the pain of your game with your family, deceamos them in God's country deserve your sercanos and friends too, and everyone I got to know you because you left all your charisma and uniqueness.

is a tremendous shame having to say goodbye, we know that is our last chance, maybe not hold you or make you love or annoy together, but decearte best wherever you are.

Farewell Friend.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Kates Playground, Hardcore

Hobro My art --- --- Stress

Petition to wind

arrazante that you take my soul destroyer
absorbing my feelings,
kicking my death,

thus ending my life.

Envuelbes fierce wind and dropped my body, my blood
cool as hell
icebergs abitacion runs is the naked, and you get my soul

forgotten wind take me where no one suffers
Forget my wickedness
go with my soul to the infinite,
not suffer this, because everything already suffered. Wind

I beg do not forget my request, do not deceive me
travels where others will not take my breath
where only peace.

powerful wind last request this is, take my beloved
rubbing my lips
that although cold or gloomy, yet keep the feeling
that while bathed in bright red,
folks are still thirsty.


Remote Networks

In the links there is a link to a page. how good is the socket programming in C, and also if you look carefully out how to adjust it to the teacher chat control task is optional.


Microsoft's dominance is coming to an end. Cursed
Windows will not let me work in peace.
is a pity that it is essential to develop in the workplace. Q

Xuxa ...... Maldotos
apoderartce the world want to impose their fucking
regime ......

Wakj !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!