Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Howmuch Does A Victorinox Watch Cost?

I miss

That desire I have of you, so anxious to accompany
I sleep in my solitude,
As your company is distant.

may not touch you, you may just connect us
connectivity, suffering will not touch That
This suffering makes me delirious.

As to compare with the stars,
If they ever are,
You are my girl a little distant,
But, we meet again.

If I were a bird I would fly to you,
wings But I was given,
But if your love.

not stay away so my life That my eyes
not good enough,
If our lives were separated, would die

'll be with me tomorrow, today also
you're not,
is so great that I live,
That only a few seconds like nothing else.

See you tomorrow my Dulcinea, I learned
the largest,
wait for tomorrow,
May the force be with me.



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