Friday, May 23, 2008

Ativan Visual Disturbances


Anger in the rain.

Drops drilling my cold heart, my soul departing
as sharp steel,
Put away your presence to me, damn, I
curse for his audacity.

What do you mean by Alejo? Insignificant
Neither I nor my people love you,
not insist that they will not welcome.

And you, what you see? Rotting animal
never were a friend of the man, you always
took advantage of his kindness.

we all listen to my sorrow, my anger
That savor,
not want anyone to stop me,
sweep away everything that bothers me.

I'm soaked to the bone,
not need your help, your compassion
Leave me alone in this stormy time. Already

me calm down and breathe,
For now leave me alone, do not need anyone
Although it is not true.

damn This rain has me all wet, do not you think this is an irony about the size of a ship.

First we complain about the heat asficciante, and then the cold and Yuvi that inundates us all and not let us live in peace.

is incredible !!!!!



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