Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sean Cody Mobile Free


Image taken from the network


All doors open to neglect your body

mares as the lines at night: From vacuum
not save you
indolent cat tracks in the mirror or false
prescribed harvest yellow.

(unpublished, 11 May 2011)

Boy Vintage

All doors to you is do you open the Salvadoran
cuerpo, las Yeguas
as the verses of the night: From Raw

not have saved the cat from indolent bostezar

mirror at the foot of the false or the otoƱos
prescritos cosecha

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How To Help Newborn Get Rid Of Mucus

Augur well for an uncertain future absences are

And when we feel like an old ship anchored useless, someone in our lives to be able to see ourselves with less closure, provided the Marine moments before he launched his latest attack, staggering till you drop, now 38 years ago it accurate.

* The photo is titled "Fishing port Ayamonte" and comes from the blog of Guillermo Mendez, fleeting.