Monday, May 2, 2011

Game Orbit Dvd Player

" A love mint ", new music video Luis Ramiro

As has become tradition in recent times, today, Monday, we released the video clip. The truth is that I bring the video had been submitted today and a couple of weeks, but vacations and laziness have kept me away from these worn keys and I have not been able to share with you today, when it seems that everything is returning to normal. As you know, good old Luis Ramiro recently released his latest album, World ahead, a new work that has come to turn every fear, hope, dreams and memories into songs. Luis that line by line and has made concert concert become one of the most successful songwriters of his generation, presents this new album in the prime of his career, pushed by the breath of a public increasingly large and important support of blogs and websites of the genre. At the moment the Spaniard is immersed in a tour that's taken him by the country's largest cities, a tour that experienced one of its most exciting moments last Saturday, when he presented the album in the Sala Joy Slava, at his age surrounded by friends and trusted his musicians, among which is the great Alfredo Gonzalez a galactic keyboards that we all know and Luis no hesitation in joining them. Today I bring you the music video Brand A love, the first single / this clip addressed Jorge Dantart .


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