Monday, May 2, 2011

Where Can I Find Really Unique Bedding

"Soundtrack "The Bright

No, not normal. Something has to be in Leon to the beautiful city of musicians have left the likes of Fabian , Nacho Álvarez or Yuri Méndez ( Sunrise Bird), to can not fool me. And now, what I needed, after I have recommended hundreds of times, after reading dozens of positive reviews, I finally encourage you to give a listen to the first album The Bright and when I start find information about them, I discover that, surprise, also come from that city where, apparently, faucet no water comes out folk. The Bright is the project of the beautiful Myriam Gutiérrez and Anibal Sanchez, two musicians with experience in other formations whose paths were found, fitting perfectly. Subterfuge noticed them and offered the possibility of publishing his first album, and the result, as many of you already know, is a beautiful collection of twelve songs in which folk, country and pop dance with softness and elegance on the lips of Myriam . Today I share with you Soundtrack , the theme manager to open the disc, perfect for the hook, once you have given the play you are subjected to a nice session of hypnosis that keeps you from doing anything other than opening the senses doors wide open until the album ends. With you, The Bright , from Leon, of course ...


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