Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bloodmoon Patch V1.6.1820 Patch Hacked

RES does not occur in closed box

Image taken from the network

RES does not occur in closed box

For Juana Navarro

Sometimes, late in life for me
was a non-story ...
Ahu Speaking

Awakening calm morning with the roar of the Black Sea bed. Last night'd impregnated wisteria purple feathers, the same had kept in the shoebox with the dead cat. With the awareness to know that breaking dawn looked much more than the solitude of the lamp is still lit in the street perfume unhealthy, at the wrong time, drunk with the fish net hanging back and seven green eyes on empty darkness of memory. And, as Sarkis said, if there is no relation to reality, fiction dies.

(in Turkish Waters, 2010)


For Juana Navarro

Sometimes the end of life for me
was a non-story ...
Ahu Parlar

woke up early morning calm in the midst of the Black Sea bed. Last night you were steeped in purple wisteria feathers, the same as you'd stored in the shoebox with the dead cat. With the dawning awareness of knowing that is much more than observe the loneliness of the lamp still burning amid the perfumes insane street, when suddenly, with the drunken fish net hung from the back and the thirst for green eyes in the dark empty memory. And, as Sarkis said, if there is no relation to reality, the fiction dies.


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