Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Alcohol Level Margarita Mix


Image taken from the network


All images are created in your eyes
A. Hijri İzgören

Trenque a rule is no longer the exception
living illustration of the pain:
There are additional measures in the agenda, notices of execution
bring a damn smart,
thread no longer attracts the eye ear drops lead.


He calls the groin, the flood of blood

as soon
love to play like a hysterical bitch
was pointing with his Pixum all doors,
neck hung a Bad copy of separation clandestine
repairs Albella collision without love brothels night
good time yesterday, morning, afternoon ...


Consider, friend, I can get a bit of cliff anonymous

sunsets of nonsense to find a way to bless the cobejança,
break all sets of keys now, sex
traces the handkerchief from the end of summer, at all times
break the spell of winter wheel covers, dark
greetings to the snow like a cockroach so much ugliness of mirrors torn to pieces,
the long and winding road / that leads to your door
will never disappear ...


'm beyond the arrival of the angel, inappropriate and without invitation,
me in the heat of the guest house of your eyes.


Over time they learned to speak
learned to walk,
repairing bridges burned, revolutions without
return, the villages of language
I tell myself I'm not the limit,
my body is loose or no immunity from me, I
my pain.
I am the pastor of public fire
òbric the lecture by the masters of fire ...


Ah thousand new holes to breastfeed
noise and find the scum of the theft of the moon and horseflies
bankers blood!
my life that I show here m'obrí
a new page without the additional or the regrowth. Ignore
However, if I get any favors
death with his ability to silence the heavy desire.

Open 7

curvature and grade of my blood
am now writing a new page in the notebook of the arch of the sky of ashes, a new
Stealth postal code, a new step
registered in the Mutis forum syllable long.
No name for the surplus grain of the Gregorian Ave,
colic of the penalty,
what represents love wearing a shirt B series of little birds in the country,
exsudatòria strength of the sting of fire ,
use poison of loneliness ...

agreed the poem (in Turkish Waters, 2010)


All images are created in your eyes
A. Hijri İzgören


Break the rule is no longer an exception
live in the illustrations of pain:
are additional measures in the agenda, notices
run to take a damn chip, edge
no longer attracts the eye ear drops lead.


Summons groin
the flood of blood
just love when you play like a bitch
going hysterical
pointing his urine all doors, hanging from
neck, a bad copy of the illegal separation, sewer
collision repairs without love in the brothels of the night,
early yesterday morning, afternoon ...


Consider, friend, I can get a piece of cliff anonymous, an absurdity of sunsets

to find a way to bless the effort,
break all sets of keys now,
traces of sex the handkerchief from the end of summer, at all times
break the spell of winter face mask, dark greetings
in the snow like a beetle tired of so much ugliness of mirrors crumbled, the long and winding
road / That leads to your
door /
will never disappear ...


I am beyond the arrival of the angel, unwelcome and uninvited,
me in the heat of the guest house of your eyes.


With time you learn to speak,
learns to walk,
to rebuild the bridges burned, riots
no return, the paths of language
say I do not limit myself, my body
not waiver or strike me, I like my pain
. I am the pastor publicly
fire, open the lecture
of the masters of fire ...


Ah thousand new holes for feeding
noise and find the foam from the theft of the moon and horseflies
blood bankers!
I draw my life here I opened a new page
without additional provision or renewal.
I do not know, however, if it makes me a favor
death with his clumsy ability to mute desire.

You open the curvature and extent of my blood:
I'm writing a new page in the notebook rainbow ash,
a new postal code stealthy,
registered a new step in the exit by the forum long syllable. No name
surplus for grain Ave Gregorian
colic of the penalty, which represents
love wearing a shirt B series of birds in the country,
exudatoria force of the sting of fire, poisonous
use of solitude agreed the poem ...


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