Saturday, April 16, 2011

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"I have to say is" ahead of new album

Although we at the weekend, the musical wheel does not stop, so today I bring you fresh news about the new Copilot work, one of the most unique musicians of those displayed on this humble blog. The hand readies new album, to be called The beginning, disenchantment and the circle of trust and will go on sale on May 3. Copilot was eager to teach some of the songs included on their third studio album, so this week has launched its new video, He I have to say. If anything characterizes the Aragonese musician in addition to the excellent records that the firm is pleased that he has caught a record that funny clips for their songs (which, incidentally, never missing the humor) and it will not to be an exception. I leave you with He I have to say, a video clip which, incidentally, was directed by Boix Orencio . Have fun, youth.


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