Saturday, April 30, 2011

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Image taken from the network


The wrist remained as the flower, as
disease Tay Tay
Ergin Günçe

Liquor cherries and hazelnut chocolates for this sea lip assaulted and dismembered breasts in adolescent niua bridge of ancient Roman villa. She retains the secret bitterness of the first lactation in the bag herb St. John's night in perfuming sexe, maca i the morter de l'àvia, per bé que mai sa fou qui life will not know ...

Lucullus (Aigües turquoise, 2010)


The girl was like a flower,
as Tay Tay
Ergin Günçe

cherry liqueur and hazelnut chocolates for this sea assaulted cracked lips and breasts of nesting on pontoon the ancient Roman city teenager. She kept the secret acedia in first lactation in the bag of herbs from the night of St. John to the sex scent, the club and the mortar of Abby, although never in your life know ... Who was Lucullus


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