Thursday, April 7, 2011

Pokemont World Online Mac

dune. Gemstone


( Del Neth. duin, and this of germ. * duno-hill).

1. f. Hill quicksand and winding in deserts and on beaches or sand , form and pushes the wind , figurations creating enormous artistic quality. U. m. pl.

2. f. Mound delicate and yet random, also produced by periodic attacks d and nature.

Your Overrides

3. f. I sleep with words written on sand dunes. words that move. is a need to see that still there ... languages \u200b\u200bon the horizon sand. LENA YAU

4. f. Desire to . LARA MORENO

5. f. romance is called the wind and sand. LILI DUNA

6. f. are like the sea, somehow enslave you and you're trapped forever. Sound, taste, mild particles embedded in the skin, the mirage in which everything flows, where we slept as we remember and we project the desire. Hands grab at dawn and dusk caress you, the hands of sand, salt. ADA

7. f. They look like a brain convolutions sandy ground. SERGIO ASTORGA

8. f. The dunes are mountains perhaps doubt-sand verses. JOSEP VILAPLANA

9. f. L as memories are tiny rocks that are moved by desire for knowledge and, frightened by what they saw, now piled on one another. NANO

10. f. S signs left on foot from the sky to move forward. JESUS \u200b\u200b ESNAOLA

* The image is from the blog of Pepo Paz, Ways of looking , and is entitled "Corralejo - dunes (Fuerteventura)."


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